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Sonoran Desert Blog
The Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act is Waived for Border Wall
In 1976, improperly buried toxic waste seeped into homes in the Love Canal neighborhood of Niagara Falls, New York. As the years passed,...
The Fish and Wildlife Act is Waived for Border Wall
The mid-1950’s was a time when the U.S. government began to seriously consider how to protect and conserve our natural resources. The...
The Paleontological Resources Act is Waived for Border Wall
When the movie, Jurassic Park came out in 1993, dinosaur pandemonium ensued and people flocked to the Utah hills, looking for dinosaur...
The Rivers and Harbors Act is Waived for Border Wall
In the days of the wild west, there were essentially no regulations about managing navigable waterways in the United States. One problem...
The National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) is waived for Border Wall
An interest in preserving sites of great historical importance in the U.S. perhaps began with the frantic efforts to protect Mt. Vernon,...
The Farmland Protection Policy Act is Waived for Border Wall
A study of land use in the U.S. done in 1980 revealed that millions of acres of farmland were being converted to nonagricultural...
The National Wildlife Refuge System Act is Waived for Border Wall
In the mid 1800’s explorers and journalists began to notice and write about the rampant slaughter of wildlife in the United States....
The Antiquities Act is Waived for Border Wall
Chaco Canyon in New Mexico contains relics of human history from 900 B.C., through habitation by the Puebloan people of Arizona and New...
The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act is Waived for Border Wall
The Agricultural Street landfill in New Orleans, LA,. was used as a dump for residential and industrial wastes from 1909 to1960. “Dante’s...
The Federal Land Management Policy Act is Waived for Border Wall
After thousands of homesteaders laid claim to land in the American West in the 1800’s, vast parcels of land that no one wanted remained....
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