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Sonoran Desert Blog
The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act is Waived for Border Wall
The late1960’s and early 1970’s were times of burgeoning awareness that our nation’s lands, waters, and wild inhabitants were national...
The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act is Waived for Border Wall
In 1961, John F. Kennedy penned this about the bald eagle: “The fierce beauty and proud independence of this great bird aptly symbolizes...
The American Indian Religious Freedom Act is Waived for Border Wall
Before 1978, our first amendment right to the free exercise of religion applied to everyone except Native Americans. The American Indian...
The Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act is Waived for Border Wall
Water. The lifeblood of the Sonoran Desert. Because the Sonoran Desert is teeming with life (unlike many of the world’s deserts), sources...
The National Forest Management Act is Waived for Border Wall
A lawsuit is probably responsible for the enactment of the National Forest Management Act (NFMA) of 1976. Herbert Zieske sued Earl Butz,...
The Wilderness Act is Waived for Border Wall
As adventurers in the 1800’s traveled west to start a new life, there was more land available than they could have ever imagined. At...
The Historic Sites Act is Waived for Border Wall
By the early 1930’s, there were so many federally owned national parks, national monuments, and historic sites that Congress felt it...
The Migratory Bird Treaty Act is Waived for Border Wall
During the 19th century many birds were slaughtered for their feathers or for other commercial purposes. Following extinction of the...
The National Park Service Organic Act is Waived for Border Wall
The National Park Service was created in 1916 by the National Park Service Organic Act (NPSOA), and was placed under the supervision of...
The Religious Freedom Restoration Act is Waived for Border Wall
The first amendment of the U.S. Constitution reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting...
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