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Sonoran Desert Blog
Will you help save the cactus ferruginous pygmy owl?
What is about 6 inches long, weighs a couple of ounces, has round, penetrating, golden eyes, and is one of the most ferocious predators...
Protect Arizona's Waters
Before the Trump Administration changed the definition of Waters of the United States (WOTUS) in 2020 to exclude temporary (intermittent...
Arizona’s Waters Lose Federal Protection
All of Arizona’s waterbodies, other than the Colorado and Santa Cruz Rivers and a stretch of the Gila River, will lose their federal...
Our Democracy is at Risk
Trump’s border wall, if completed, will bisect North America from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico. The wall may slow down (but...
FRIENDS OF THE SONORAN DESERT (FSD) is the only national non-governmental organization to regularly participate in quarterly meetings...
Save Quitobaquito Springs!
Excessive groundwater pumping is depleting rivers and streams across the U.S. In the arid southwest, it is particularly important that...
Operation Faithful Patriot is a Political Stunt
"Operation Faithful Patriot." Have you heard of it? On the eve of the mid-term elections, our president has authorized the deployment of...
Help us Stop the Attack on NEPA
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is the “Magna Carta” of environmental legislation in the U.S. NEPA does two important...
Smart Border Security—Not Walls
We have now written 48 blogs—one for each of the federal laws waived to expedite construction of an impenetrable wall on our southern...
The Mt. Otay Wilderness Act is Waived for Border Wall
In 1999, the U.S. Congress passed the Mt. Otay Wilderness Act (MOWA), which designated 18,500 acres around Mt. Otay in Southern...
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